Lynnfield, MA - Calvary Christian Church
Calvary Christian Church in Lynnfield, MA where Timothy P. Schmidt is the lead pastor was the site of this Sunday through Wednesday revival. Crowds filled the building nightly as we witnessed God saving, healing and baptizing many in the Holy Spirit. In every service the altars were filled with people who had clear testimonies of God's touch in their life. It still happens today in America!

Bedminster, NJ - Church of the Hills
Great outpouring of God's healing power in Bedminster, NJ at the Church of the Hills. In the 10:00 am service God touched so many that we heard testimonies until 1:20 PM. People stay when God is moving!

Mesquite, TX - Peace Church
A powerful opening day in Mesquite, TX (Dallas) at Peace Church. The house was full with 30 sitting on the staircase leading to the balcony. We saw the Savior and Healer at work today and the altars had many with testimonies of His work. God still works across the USA today.