Pastor Lester Sumrall
Christian Center Church
I had the distinct privilege of speaking at Lester Sumerall's church in South Bend, IN and although he has gone on to be with the Lord Jesus, I thought you might appreciate his kind words.
To Whom It May Concern:
I have known Evangelist Dale Everett for a number of years and he is a minister of integrity and courage. His confession for righteousness is strong and he will be a blessing to your congregation. Any consideration you give Evangelist Everett will be greatly appreciated.
Lester Sumrall

R.W. Schambach
Schambach Revivals
I had the distinct privilege of pastoring at brother Schambach's church in Tyler , TX and although he has gone on to be with the Lord Jesus, I thought you might appreciate his kind words.
I would like to introduce you to the pastor of my church, Dale Everett. Pastor Dale has come alongside me and this ministry to pastor a move of God at our ministry headquarters in beautiful Lake Palestine, Texas, just outside of Tyler.
He is a seasoned, gifted communicator of the truth and he has a proven track record of ministry with results; truly, the signs do follow his ministry. Both Pastor Dale and his wife Debbie Everett, who is the worship pastor and powerfully anointed, will be a great blessing to you.
R.W. Schambach

Pastor Rusty Railey
Joliet First Assembly of God
Dale Everett is one of the most anointed, gifted and dedicated leaders in our time. He continually stirs us with a “follow me as I follow Christ” lifestyle and thousands are doing just that all over the world. Dale is a man of integrity and comes with no outrageous demands. When Dale comes to your church or event he is prepared with a relevant presentation, sound doctrine and will equip you with earthly tools and heavenly realities to live a life of passionate pursuit and set your life spinning into spiritual awakening. The profound impact that his ministry will have on your people will last beyond the services or event.

Pastor Dustin Pennington
Cornerstone Assembly of God
Recently our church had the privilege of having Pastor Dale Everett minister to our congregation in the preaching of the Word and in the demonstration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Dale demonstrated a depth of knowledge and understanding of the scriptures. A number of our seasoned warriors of faith commented on the teachings and insights that Pastor Dale shared with us.
During the time of ministry around the altar each evening, Pastor Dale moved under the anointing of the Holy Spirit while also taking the time to instruct our people as to why he was praying or waiting for the Lord’s touch. In all my years of ministry, I have never seen a preacher / evangelist be so sensitive to ensure that the people understand what the Lord was doing. Throughout his time with us, he conducted himself with such humility and integrity.
During his time with us, I had the privilege of spending many hours in personal interaction with Pastor Dale, and I felt like I was able to touch the heartbeat of this man of God. Our fellowship together was so refreshing, encouraging, and enlightening.
Without hesitation I wholeheartedly commend the ministry of Pastor Dale Everett.
Rejoicing in His grace,
Dustin Pennington

Pastor Bill Rogers
Word of Faith Fellowship
This is a letter of recommendation for Pastor Dale Everett. I have now been in three different settings with him: A crusade, a camp meeting in his church in Tyler, TX, and some special services in our church, and I found Pastor Dale to be a man of integrity, dignity, and in tune with the Holy Spirit. We witnessed many miraculous healings in these services with Jesus getting all the glory. We also heard anointed, faith-filled sermons. I recommend Pastor Dale with absolutely no reservations and am honored to do so. It is our hope that he will return to our church many times in the future.

Pastor Tom Saali
Cornerstone Assembly of God
I give my highest recommendation and regards for Reverend Dale Everett! He is an authentic Man of God who has a passion for effective, New Testament ministry accompanied with signs, wonders, and miracles. Dale seeks God fervently in fasting and prayer. He studies God's Word faithfully. When he preaches people hear a fresh word of revelation from Jesus, and then the mighty Holy Spirit pours His gifts through Dale for the glory of God. People are saved, delivered, healed, baptized in the Holy Spirit, and refreshed and refueled in the precious presence of God.
Dale is my friend. He is consistent. What he is in the pulpit and public ministry he is in private. His wife, Debbie, is a woman of God who plays the piano and sings the high praise of Jesus with a rich anointing and talent. I love to follow Sister Debbie into the Holy of holies as she worships the Father, the Son and the Spirit in passionate praises and holy intimacy. Dale and Debbie are like Jesus: powerful, personable, and phenomenal.

Bishop Dr. Emmanuel MacJones
Overcomers Church Worldwide
This letter is to introduce the ministry of Pastor Dale Everett. God has used him tremendously in this nation and globally to make an impact in this generation.
He is a humble man of God, full of integrity, compassion and fear of God. He is a teacher, an encourager, an evangelist with a passion to reach out to souls and to do the work of the Kingdom. He has obeyed the voice of God and The LORD has backed up his ministry with signs and wonders (Mark 16:20).
Pastor Dale and his wife, Pastor Debbie, have ministered at Overcomers Church Worldwide in Maryland and each time our church has been deeply blessed by their ministration and lives have been transformed. According to Galatians 6:7 (b) their obedience to come to be a blessing to God’s people will be rewarded. We look forward to more of their ministration.
Pastor Dale Everett is a man sent from God and I would not hesitate to recommend his ministry to anyone. I thank God for great work that He is doing in Pastor Dale’s life and ministry as well as the spirit of obedience as he serves Him and does His will in this generation.
Yours for Souls and His Kingdom,

Pastor Tim Halbfoerster
River of God Church
Recently, Brother Dale Everett ministered in our Sunday services with an emphasis on healing and miracles. During both services, a powerful word was delivered to the congregation which gave faith to the church for one of the most dramatic healing services we ever experienced here in the Harrisburg region of Pennsylvania. One of the most outstanding healings was a creative miracle where God gave a woman a new heel on her foot. So many more healings were reported. May God be glorified!
Without reservation, I can recommend Dale Everett to partner with you in ministry. His cooperative spirit, integrity of heart and life and anointed ministry will refresh your congregation. His compassion for those needing a touch from God was evident throughout the extended altar time.
Thank you for allowing me to share this ministry with you that can only bless you and your church.
Pastor Tim Halbfoerster

Pastor Paul Drost
Grace Assembly
Dear Co-Laborer in Christ,
Dale Everett ministered to our congregation during the Thanksgiving weekend of 2006; what a wonderful blessing! His ministry is characterized by integrity and a strong anointing to heal and teach in a way that builds faith and opens hearts.
The attendance at our services exceeded our expectations. People gave generously and willingly to support his ministry. Dale Everett left a wake of blessing behind that we can continue to build on.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Paul Drost